
As many of you know, Stonehenge was painted with removable paint yesterday by climate activists. I learned about this from a friend's texts right before going into a Zoom discussion about Platonic topics, so I wasn't able to react to the news until a bit later, and I've now read the Wild Hunt comments and … Continue reading Stonehenge

Thoughts on Attenborough’s A LIFE ON OUR PLANET and Some Platonic Reflections on Food Waste for Earth Day 2024

Last Sunday, I watched David Attenborough's autobiographical film about his career in wildlife documentaries, where he is still going strong as he approaches 100. All of us have likely heard his voice even if we may not know who he is. Attenborough, it turns out from interviews, was once skeptical of climate change, and his … Continue reading Thoughts on Attenborough’s A LIFE ON OUR PLANET and Some Platonic Reflections on Food Waste for Earth Day 2024